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Available positions

Bachelor´s theses

If you are interested in pursuing your B.Sc. thesis (also including Projektpraktikum) in our lab, please register for it via LSF. After that, send your recent transcript of records (Leistungsübersicht) and a short letter of motivation to zellbiologie(at)hhu.de

The deadlines are as follows:      

15.02. (Start of the thesis between 01.04. and 01.06.)

15.06. (Start of the thesis between 01.08. and 01.10.)

15.11. (Start of the thesis between 01.01. and 01.02.)

A week after the respective deadline, you will be notified and potentially invited to a short meeting/interview. At each deadline, we have 1-3 spots available.


Master´s theses

If you are interested in pursuing your M.Sc. thesis in our lab, please send an email to Prof. Simone Prömel containing your CV, a transcript of records (Leistungsübersicht) from your Bachelor´s and Master´s studies and a letter of motivation.

Prof. Dr. Simone Prömel
Head of Institute +49 211 81-13816
Send Email
Building: 26.24
Floor/room: 02.074

Anastasia Adamidou
Secretary +49 211 81-13817
Send Email
Building: 26.24
Floor/room: 02.072